
Friday, February 24, 2012


There isn't anything better than actually being able to see Brig when he is out of town.  Big gave me a new laptop for Christmas that has a video camera so we can use skype now  For some reason it make the kids act crazy and make silly faces but they love being able to talk to their dad.  It makes it seem like he isn't so far away.  Ben was pushing the kids away from the computer tonight to make sure he could see Brig and even Molly dog likes to see him. 

I took the pictures with my cell phone because I left my camera in Cheyenne last weekend. Not the best pictures but I loved how the kids were all gathered around to talk to Brig.  The blanket in the background is from our picnic for dinner.  We made pizza and the kids used cookie cutters to cut out different shaped pizza then we got to eat in the family room. We played Apples to Apples Jr. and laughed so hard that Zach's face was bright red.  It was a good night.

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