We ended up staying in Colorado Springs and had Thanksgiving dinner at our house. My sister asked if my cousin could come and then my Aunt Gwen decided to come and then my cousin Ethan decided to come as well (I had not seen him in over 12 years)!
I cooked for 2 days trying to get things ready. We had a great dinner with homemade stuffing (thanks Aunt Gwen) a 20 pound turkey, casseroles from my sister and chocolate chip pie. We had pumpkin pie too but I think Zach was the only who cared about pumpkin and went to our traditional thanksgiving movie. We also made a diaper cake for my sister-in-laws baby shower.
All the family left Friday morning and then we headed up to Cheyenne. I forgot my camera so I don't have any pictures from Cheyenne. Maddi and I went a baby shower for Brig's sister Meredith. We are so excited for her baby. The kids had a great time playing with cousins and Natalie loved playing with Grandpa Bruce's 2 kittens. We saw all of Brig's sisters and his cousins and Aunt and Uncle from Arizona. Brig's mom made us the best Mexican dinner and we ate way too many of her pumpkin cookies. The diet starts again tomorrow! Brig and the kids made it up to Laramie to watch some cowboy basketball. U.W. even won the game so Brig was a happy fan.
We had a great weekend and we are very thankful that we were able to spend time with so many of our family members!