
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Best of 2011- Kim

The best part of 2011 was my new little Ben and all the joy that comes with a new baby and being home with Zachary, Madeline and Natalie.

Baby Ben kept me busy as did Zach, Madeline, and Natalie. I survived Brig traveling all over the world and had to learn how to get 4 kids ready and out the door. In between feedings, changing diapers, driving to piano, scouts, gymnastics, baseball, dance classes, student coucil, running club, playdates, choir, and a few clients for speech therapy, I was able to do a few other things.

I learned how to Knit. It took more than one lesson and one very patient Aunt Gwen but I learned. I do not know how to cast off the knitting needle but I will figure it out.

I finished cross stitching Ben's Christmas stocking so all 4 kids have matching stocking that I have crossstitched for each one.

I finished making my dad's scrapbook from when he was Stake President in Cheyenne. I have been working on this book for years and decided that I needed to get it done. It was a great experience to read talks that he gave and letters that he recieved from General Authorities, Governors and members of the church. I was blessed with a profound gratitude for all the work that my dad and mom did on behalf of Martin's Cove in Wyoming and the 1997 Sesquicentennial of the Mormon Trail.

I made Madeline's "It's great to be Eight" scrapbook. My goal was to finish the scrapbook before Natalie turned 8 so I am way ahead on that one!

I made Erin's wedding scrapbook. Erin and Austin had such a beautiful wedding in Winter Quarter's Temple in Omaha. Working on Erin's book has inspired to me to make a my own wedding scrapbook.

I redecorated and painted both girl's bedrooms. I learned that painting over stripes is hard to do.

I went to New York with Brig with only 2 days notice. Brig called and said he had to go to New York and wanted Ben and I to come along. We were even able to use miles at the last minute and bought a plane ticket. Ben was an amazing baby the whole time we were there. Some of the highlights of NYC were walking across the Brooklyn Bridge, Lunch at the Rock Center Cafe, The American Museum of Natural History and our day at the Chelsea Market. 

Notice that in the picture  at the Rock
Center Cafe I have glasses on. As of October 13th I no longer have glasses and I can see! (pretty much) I had LASIK on both eyes. I was so nervous and I am sure that my Eye Dr. was surprised that I actually showed up. I thought about including some of the emails that he sent me to reassure and calm my fears. I have 3 emails the morning of LASIK. My left eye needed so much correction that I didn't have it corrected all at once. I was nervouse that my eye would not tolerate all the correction. I have never had full correction in my glasses either. The Eye Dr made a new lens for my glasses that was super powerful for me to wear for a month before the surgery to help get my eye to adjust. I will need to go in this spring or summer and have my left eye lasered again.

Brig and I went on a quick trip with Ben to Phoenix for his cousin's sealing.

The Lion King - we went to the Broadway production of The Lion King in November. We saw the Lion King in England in 2000 and have wanted to see it again ever since. The Denver producion was not as good as the one in England but still amazing!

One of the best parts 2011 was our family trip to Omaha for Erin's wedding. .
The Winter Quarter's Temple was so beautiful. We were able to go to the Mormon Trail Center and Winter Quarters Pioneer Cemetery
Brig and I went on a quick trip with Ben to Phoenix for his cousin's sealing.

The Lion King - we went to the Broadway production of The Lion King in November. We saw the Lion King in England in 2000 and have wanted to see it again ever since. The Denver producion was not as good as the one in England but still amazing!

One of the best parts 2011 was our family trip to Omaha for Erin's wedding. .
The Winter Quarter's Temple was so beautiful. We were able to go to the Mormon Trail Center and Winter Quarters Pioneer Cemetery

1 comment:

Suzette said...

Love the update, life is so busy!!! But it sounds like you are enjoying everything it brings. I would love to see your Dad's stake president scrapbook, I'm sure Cale too.